
Latest News in Revolutionary Fibers & Textiles

March 21-22: Programmable and Wearable Molecular Composites Workshop

PhilaU Team Wins U.S. Defense Department Chembio Suit Design Challenge

Hi-tech fabric could revive textiles

A group of researchers at the University of Georgia are on the leading edge of...

URI biomedical engineering professor creating smart gloves to monitor Parkinson’s disease patients

KINGSTON, R.I., Oct. 19, 2016—Prescribing a medication plan for a patient with Parkinson’s disease is...

PhilaU Team Helps Develop Protective Garment for Military

A Philadelphia University-lead team recently completed work on two prototypes of protective suits for the...

Jefferson medical school meets design school

Manufacturing Day, Oct. 7, 2016

Manufacturing Day℠ is a celebration of modern manufacturing meant to inspire the next generation of...

Olympians’ outfits have ties to Carolinas

Inman Mills produced the combed cotton used in the white bottoms athletes will wear. The...

Spotlight on College of Textiles Dean David Hinks

David Hinks became dean of the NC State College of Textiles in January 2016 after...

The Washington Post: Robots, swarming drones and ‘Iron Man’: Welcome to the new arms race

“At a recent conference put on by Defense One, a website that provides news and... Global Tech Issue Five Substances of the Future

“These fibers are to fabric what the neuron is to the brain, or the transistor...

TechTimes: Public Private Consortium Pours $317 Million For AFFOA: What The Project Is About

Consider this as the weave of the future. A U.S. public-private consortium receives $317 million...

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