Latest News in Revolutionary Fibers & Textiles
Inman Mills produced the combed cotton used in the white bottoms athletes will wear. The...
David Hinks became dean of the NC State College of Textiles in January 2016 after...
“At a recent conference put on by Defense One, a website that provides news and...
“These fibers are to fabric what the neuron is to the brain, or the transistor...
Consider this as the weave of the future. A U.S. public-private consortium receives $317 million...
AFFOA is working to create the “the Internet of Fabrics,” MIT President Rafael Reif said....
“As I often say, we in the Pentagon need to think outside of our five-sided...
The initiative announced on Friday is one of a series of “Manufacturing Innovation Institutes” established...
Massachusetts has been chosen to host a $317 million futuristic textiles manufacturing center with a...
While the tech industry talks of “wearable” devices such as smartwatches, next-generation fabrics would literally...
UT is one of 31 universities in the fiber institute’s ecosystem and will assist by...
“Iowa State University is part of a new $317 million public-private partnership working to improve...